Anna Questerly

Anna Questerly
Bookseller and bibliophile turned author, Anna Questerly writes medieval fiction and fairy tales for smart kids and young hearts. For adults, she creates Utopian fantasy as A.J. Questerly.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


First draft of Pangaea is finished! 

We're still a long way off from publication--lots of rewriting and editing, not to mention, proofreading yet to do, but the story is done and, I gotta say, I love it!

I want to live on Pangaea. Whenever Thom starts talking politics, I get to tell him, "Shhh! I'm on Pangaea. These things don't happen there."

The best part is, this immediately changes our dinner conversation. Thom's many suggestions and our late-night discussions have led to many exciting changes from the original storyline, I've decided to add his name to the book. After all, he's been as immersed in this world as I have. 

This move actually works out well. I've been wondering how to handle my author name for Pangaea. This is not a children's book. It's definitely for adults. So we've decided to go with A.J. Questerly as our author name to differentiate it from my children's writing, while still having to only market one name--Questerly. Win/Win, right? Fingers crossed.

For now, we're rewriting Pangaea, and then it goes to our editor for another round of fun. Like I said, we're a long way from a finished book, but we see daylight. 

Also, you may have noticed my website is gone and now points to this blog. A move I'm deliriously happy about ( I did it all by myself!). Trying to keep up a website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, and everything else was overwhelming and I found I wasn't keeping up well with any of them. My hope is now, I can simply post to my blog and play a bit on Facebook with my friends instead of dreading the Social Media Monster. Which means, I'll have more time to write and interact a bit.

I've added a few pages to this blog. My Events Calendar and My Books page. 

Look for more changes to this blog as I try to make it more user friendly.

Four years into this writing journey and I'm still in love with it. I can't imagine doing anything else. My mind is already spinning with ideas to work on while Pangaea is with my editor. 


  1. Looking good! Nice job on the webpage/blog.

  2. YAY!!! So glad to hear from you! I can't wait to read Pangaea! Congrats on all accomplishments! :)

    1. Thanks, Kailan! By the way, I wanted to place a link to your blog on the bottom of my page. Is that okay with you?

    2. sorry. I'm just now seeing this! And Yes! Of course it's ok!

  3. I just purchased your Minstrel books on Amazon (at the recommendation of your sis!) and am looking forward to a great read! All good wishes from Kit . . .

  4. Congratulations on roping in all those things.
