Anna Questerly

Anna Questerly
Bookseller and bibliophile turned author, Anna Questerly writes medieval fiction and fairy tales for smart kids and young hearts. For adults, she creates Utopian fantasy as A.J. Questerly.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Springtime Update!

I'm so honored to be included in HBS Author Spotlight! If you're interested and would like to read more, here's the link.

I will also be signing my books at Dog-Eared Pages's Authorpalooza! On Saturday, April 21st. Stop by for a hug if you're in the area!

My newest book should be available by the end of April (fingers crossed!) It's a workbook for authors and a way for me to keep things straight for my own books going forward!

Between events, I've been writing away on several projects so stay tuned and thanks for visiting!

Oh, and I almost forgot to share my latest television appearance on my own website! This was right before Christmas 2017. Jeesh! Your Life AZ


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